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What is Radon?

     Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the breakdown of naturally occurring uranium in soil and rock. It is invisible, odorless and tasteless, and can only be detected by specialized tests. Radon enters homes through openings that are in contact with the ground, such as cracks in the foundation, small openings around pipes, and sump pits.

     Like other radioactive materials, radon undergoes radioactive decay that forms decay products. Radon and its decay products release radioactive energy that can damage lung tissue. The more radon you are exposed to

Atlanta Radon Illustration

and the longer the exposure, the greater the risk of eventually developing lung cancer. As the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S behind smoking, radon exposure results in 15,000 to 22,000 deaths per year.  The EPA recommends testing your home for radon at least once every 5 years and homes with high levels of radon should be mitigated. 

Atlanta Radon Map
Atlanta Radon Graph

     A single short-term radon test of 2-7 days may be used for real estate transactions to test radon levels in your future home. If a single short-term test reveals levels of 4 pCi/L or more, EPA data indicates that subsequent testing would confirm that levels in the home are 4 pCi/L or more in 80% of cases.

Atlanta Radon Inspection
Airthings Equipment Cross Section
Airthings Equipment
Atlanta Radon inspections

Our Services:

    When it comes to determining if there is radon present in your future new home, we haven't skimped on testing equipment. The Corentium Pro testing device is exclusively designed for home inspectors & radon professionals to ensure maximum test reliability. It is one of the most accurate AARST / NRPP approved continuous radon monitors in the world and ensures consistent and detailed test results allowing you to breathe a little easier knowing the most up to date and modern equipment is being used for your radon test. Our testing units are calibrated annually in accordance with EPA standards and are approved for official testing in the US and Canada.


  • Standalone Radon Test - $225

  • With Home Inspection - $175 

When placing your home inspection order via the website you will have the option to add-on this service as needed.  The radon test unit will be left at the property on the date of the inspection and will be picked back up approximately 48 hours later. At that time you will be sent a separate, detailed report reflecting an hour-by-hour account of radon levels within the home, along with barometric pressure and temperature(s).

     According to the EPA the method to reduce radon that is primarily used is “a vent pipe system and fan, which pulls radon from beneath the house and vents it to the outside". Indoor radon can be mitigated by sub-slab depressurization and exhausting such radon-laden air to the outdoors, away from windows and other building opening.  See the below EPA guide “A Citizen’s Guide to Radon” for further information.

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